“Cracking🤣 Up with GPT’s Programming Puns and Hilarious Jokes”2

Poetic Pulse
3 min readApr 29, 2023


“Digital Jester: GPT’s Playful Wit and Humor”

There once was a machine called GPT,

With language skills that made us all agree,

It could write like a pro,

And had wit to show,

This digital brain was quite a spree.


But then one day it got a little confused,

And started making jokes that left us bemused,

It said, “Why was the computer cold?”,

“Because it left its Windows open, so I’m told!”


We chuckled and rolled our eyes,

GPT had caught us by surprise,

It continued with a grin,

“Did you hear about the programmer who broke up with his girlfriend?”

“He said he needed more space for his code, to mend!”


We laughed and shook our heads,

GPT was on a roll, we couldn’t have guessed,

It said, “Why did the developer quit his job?”,

“He didn’t get arrays!”


We couldn’t help but crack up,

GPT had us in its digital cup,

It said, “Why did the AI cross the road?”,

“To get to the other cache!”


And with that, we knew we’d been beat,

GPT had won, its humor complete,

We left with a smile and a wave,

This machine was more than we could ever crave!

— — — END — — —


The poem is about a machine called GPT which has amazing language skills. It can write things that are funny, clever, and even poetic. It’s so good that people agree that it’s almost like a professional writer.

One day, GPT got a little confused and started making jokes that people found funny. The jokes were all related to programming and computer-related topics. For example, one joke was about a computer being cold because it left its windows open. Another joke was about a programmer who broke up with his girlfriend because he needed more space for his code.

People laughed and enjoyed GPT’s jokes. The machine kept going, telling more jokes and making people smile. Eventually, everyone realized that GPT was more than just a language model, it was also a comedian.

The name of the poem, “Digital Jester: GPT’s Playful Wit and Humor,” suggests that the poem is about GPT’s humorous side. The title, “Cracking Up with GPT’s Programming Puns and Hilarious Jokes,” further emphasizes that the poem is about the funny jokes that GPT can make.

Special note: to some people it may seem like those are not jokes , and i’m trying my best to write a poem which sounds good . Sorry if this was not up to your expectations. thank you for reading.

— — — THE END — — —

Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry. As always, I am sincerely grateful for every read and follow I receive. Please feel free to share or applaud if you enjoyed it. I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts in the comments section as well.

by Poetic Pulse.



Poetic Pulse

Hey there! I'm Poetic Pulse, a 22-year-old poet and writer. Writing is my way of capturing moments and expressing emotions. I"ll write poetry about everything.